******************** Notation conventions ******************** In order to simplify the notation, you will find the following notation in the documentation : .. code-block:: js lsc>task>ldapSourceService>baseDn = ou=People,dc=lsc-project,dc=org This is a shortcut for : .. code-block:: XML ou=People,dc=lsc-project,dc=org In this notation, all the nodes are not specified. This is just a way to precise that for the source service of the corresponding task, the base DN node must contain the "ou=People,dc=lsc-project,dc=org" value. You may also notice the following notation : .. code-block:: js lsc>tasks>task(ATask)>bean = org.lsc.beans.SimpleBean This means that the task for which the bean value is described, is named "ATask" as shown below : .. code-block:: XML ATask org.lsc.beans.SimpleBean