********* Releasing ********* Quick notes for developers wanting to release a version of LSC. Prerequisites ============= Make sure a branch is ready for release. This must involve testing by automated tests and a call for testing by developers and willing users. Update version ============== Version needs to be updated in: * ``pom.xml`` * ``src/install/lsc-core.spec`` * ``src/install/debian/changelog`` Tagging ======= Then tag the version: .. code-block:: console git tag -a vVERSION -m "Tag for release VERSION" Set back SNAPSHOT version in pom.xml. Building ======== Build with: .. code-block:: console mvn -Popendj clean package Distributing ============ We currently distribute the following files: * ``lsc-core-VERSION-src.tar.gz``: source archive * ``lsc-core-VERSION-dist.tar.gz``: distribution archive, containing all required dependencies * ``lsc-core-VERSION-installer.jar``: automated graphical installer to install the dist archive above See also :doc:`packaging `.