
See basics to get more details on how LSC works

Starting LSC

LSC can be started with either synchronous or asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, LSC can also schedule a clean mode at the end of the synchronous mode.

You can launch all tasks by using the keyword all, but they will not be launched in the order of their definition in the XML file. To launch task1 and then task2, separate them with a comma.

Synchronous launch

lsc -s all
lsc -s task1,task2

Clean launch

lsc -c all
lsc -c task1,task2


Clean mode can be combined with synchronous mode but not with asynchronous mode.

Asynchronous launch

lsc -a all
lsc -a task1,task2

When multiple asynchronous tasks are started, they are started as separate thread inside the same daemon.

Using systemd service

Some systemd services are provided by LSC, installed by default with rpm/deb packages.

This script allows to launch LSC in asynchronous mode:

systemctl start lsc-async

or in synchronous mode:

systemctl start lsc-sync

You can get the process status:

systemctl status lsc-sync

asynchronous tasks can be customized in /etc/default/lsc-async:

# Configuration for LSC init script
# (




synchronous tasks can be customized in /etc/default/lsc-sync:

# Configuration for LSC init script
# (




Just uncomment the section you want to customize.

You can also easily run several connectors with systemd instances.

Customize the corresponding configuration file:

# For a synchronous task
cp /etc/default/lsc-sync /etc/default/lsc-examplesynctask

# For an asynchronous task
cp /etc/default/lsc-async /etc/default/lsc-exampleasynctask

Edit /etc/default/lsc-examplesynctask or /etc/default/lsc-exampleasynctask

Run the corresponding systemd instance:

# synchronous systemd instance will load file /etc/default/lsc-<my-task>
systemctl start lsc-sync@examplesynctask

# asynchronous systemd instance will load file /etc/default/lsc-<my-task>
systemctl start lsc-async@exampleasynctask

Interaction with an already started instance

When LSC is started in asynchronous mode, it is still possible to request operations through the JMX protocol.

LSC daemon required options for JMX remote invocation

You will have to launch the LSC instance with at least one asynchronous task and the JMX port specified:

export LSC_JMXPORT=1099
lsc -a <comma separated list of tasks|"all" keyword>


But doing such settings, please notice that anyone can send commands to your LSC instance listening on all your network interfaces on the 1099 TCP port ! (At this time this is not a simple task to bind JMX to the local interface only, RFU :)

LSC remote invocation by lsc-agent command line tool

The lsc-agent command line tool is able to connect remotely to the LSC instance and to do some interesting things :
  • -a gives the ability to start a named task

  • -l provides a list of asynchronous tasks

  • -s gives the status (running or not) of an named task

When starting a task, if the id and pivot attributes are provided (-i and -t options), LSC will start the corresponding synchronous task. If not, LSC will start the corresponding asynchronous task.

Of course it is possible to specify an hostname and a port to connect to another host through -h and -p parameters.