Google Apps destination service

This service will synchronize identities to Google Apps. It requires a Google Apps connection.

Let’s find below a sample and the parameters description:

        <connection reference="googleapps" />

The Google Apps destination service should be configured by using the following settings:

  • name: mandatory, it should contain any value that will uniquely identify this service regarding a task

  • connection: this node should not contain any element, just a reference attribute which is used to look for the corresponding connection with this name (as sub-element of the connection element)

  • apiCategory: mandatory, UserAccounts for now.

  • quotaLimitInMb: self-explanatory, can be overriden at runtime by specifying a dataset with a customized value regarding a particular group for example


API “Groups” and “OrganizationalUnits” will be supported later.

Destination fetched attributes are built in the service, you can use datasets for:

  • uid

  • mail

  • sn

  • isSuspended

  • userPassword

  • givenName

  • modifyTimestamp

  • isIpWhitelisted

  • id

  • createTimestamp

  • quotaInMb

  • isAgreedToTerms

  • userPasswordHash

  • isAdmin

The pivot attribute is uid, this is also the main identifier.